Aria Serial Number Lookup
ARIA & ARIA PRO II Датировка года выпуска и серийные номера. 1970-е годы: первые две цифры указывают на год выпуска. 1980-е годы: первая цифра указывает год, например 801301 = 1988. 1987 и позже: первые две цифры - год, вторые две цифры - неделя в году. GRECO Guitars Датировка года выпуска и серийные номера. Гитары Greco выпускались на фабриках Matsumoku, Fuji-Gen Gakki, Dyna Gakki и других. L-Series (late 1962 to late 1965) (serial number on neckplate preceded with an 'L'): L00001 to L20000 = late 1962 to late 1963 L20000 to L55000 = 1964 L55000 to L99999 = 1965. F-Series (late 1965 to mid-1976) (big script 'F' on neckplate below serial number). В этой статье описывается, как найти серийный номер iPhone, iPad, iPod, HomePod, Mac или другого продукта Apple. В зависимости от продукта серийный номер может быть указан: на корпусе устройства; в iTunes, если продукт синхронизирован с iTunes. Серийный номер продукта также указан в оригинальной квитанции или счете-фактуре на этот продукт. Выберите продукт ниже и получите подробные сведения о том, как найти его серийный номер. IPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, iPod. IPhone, iPad, iPod touch.
Народ утверждает что про арию ничего не было, пускай будет. Определение возраста гитар Aria Определение возраста гитар Aria - смесь весьма приблизительной точности и множества несоответствий. Гитары ранних выпусков не имеют серийных номеров, или каких-либо кодов.
Если перед Вами именно такой инструмент, то единственной возможностью узнать его возраст - определить модель и посмотреть, в какой временной период она выпускалась. Серийные номера начали появляться в середине 1970х годов. Первая цифра, а иногда первые две цифры в серийных номерах гитар, сделанных на фабрике Matsumoku, совпадает(ют) с последней(ими) цифрами года выпуска (Yххххх YYхххх).
Например серийный номер гитары 1979 года выпуска может выглядеть так: 79хххх, а номер гитары 1981 года выпуска так: 1ххххх. Такую схему можно применять к гитарам примерно до 1987 года выпуска. Некоторые гитары, сделанные в Корее имеют серийный номер вида YYWWхххх. YY - 2 последние цифры года, WW - номер недели в этом году.
Например серийный номер 9628хххх значит, что гитара была сделана на 28й неделе 1996 года. К сожалению, вышеописанные две схемы применительны к серийным номерам далеко не всех гитар, некоторые серийные номера не содержат сведений о годе выпуска. По ссылке ниже можно посмотреть периоды выпуска различных моделей. Привет, парни. Недавно приобрел гитару на одном известном сайте торгующем б/у гитарами из Японии, решил пробить серийник по приведенным вами ссылкам, пишет что нет такой. Гитара Fender Strat, на голове грифа надпись: Fender Stratocaster, литера R в кружке и мелкими буквами made in Japan.
Возле пятки грифа: serial number R 076900. Качество гитары очень хорошее, всё сделано аккуратно, точно подогнано, ничего не болтается не дребезжит. Звук тоже нормальный.
Вообщем инструмент хороший,но кто же производитель? Делюсь инфой про Ямахи. Купил с месяц назад второй гитарой Yamaha SL-500. Серийник вида 0034. По официальным сайтам никакой инфы не было.
По всем статьям что находил про Студио Лорды молчок (типа, Ямаха реплики ЛП не делала, а то что продаются - не волнует). Добрел до англоязычного сайта про японские гитары, там пообщался с местными, но толком тоже ничего не узнал. Недавно на том же сайте местные сообщили, что Ямахи-таки выложили по крайней мере ГОДА ПРОИЗВОДСТВА всех своих моделей (ссылка ниже).
Также по SL-500 можно уже точно практически утверждать, что нумерация у них параллельно SG-серии. Итого, SL-500 выпускался с 76 по 79 года, гитар моложе (как и старше) этой модели нет. Ссылка на года производства. Сопоставив номера SG-серии например из этой статьи и года производства искомой модели, можно с очень большой долей вероятности сказать, может ли данная палка существовать и когда она была выпущена. Если кому помог - буду рад ).
Fragile guitar tuners lordbizarre, 03:51 from all the guitars with those tuners I have almost ALL are missing some or all tuners.They simply & often break down ( the paddle) when tuning.They are almost the same as the Japanese Aria tuners, but always installed upside down.don't know why.? But my question is: are there still such tuners available in Russian shops and if yes: is it possible to buy some ( I need three ( 3 ) sets to complete five guitars!!!!) Спасибо Re: fragile guitar tuners bytecrow, 04:02 These tuners were completed only Ural guitars. Now these tuners are no longer manufactured and can not find them in stores. Even used to find not so easy. Re: fragile guitar tuners dms-71, 04:04 Lordbizarre, if you want to get your tuners to Ural, you have to watch the section 'Запчасти'.
Tuners from Ural is difitsit. Warning, these tuners were placed only in the Urals! By the way, our engineers could not come up with your tuners! All stolen from Japan. I am ashamed of the state! Re: fragile guitar tuners lordbizarre, 04:19 ok, so some of my Urals are doomed to other tuners.and b.t.w. Japan stole from US and US stole from Germany and.and.good things are subject to copying but not in a bad way as the Ural tuners!
Re: fragile guitar tuners dms-71, 04:32 Some collectors do not bother and put on his Ural 'Standard' tuners. You go look in the 'Запчасти' where there are photos of tuners from Ural. Probably a with some users 2-3 tuner and gradually gather the right amount. Here's the 'standard' tuners, were placed on the most of Soviet guitars. Find them very easy. A very much them! I hope I'm clearly writing.
Re: fragile guitar tuners lordbizarre, 06:46 yes, I've seen on 'Запчасти' but it's too complicated for me: I can't see the trees through the forrest. But I will find a solution some way or another! Thanks very much!!!
One little detail: I have one Tonika with those 'Ural' tuners and according to me they are(99% sure) original Re: fragile guitar tuners bytecrow, 07:00 . Lordbizarre Цитата. One little detail: I have one Tonika with those 'Ural' tuners and according to me they are(99% sure) original That's interesting.
Сan you upload a photos of this Tonika? As far as I know, they never complete Ural tuners. Re: fragile guitar tuners dms-71, 07:37 Lordbizarre, I can help you find that. What you don't understand in 'Запчасти'? Re: fragile guitar tuners lordbizarre, 08:08 byte-crow wrote: That's interesting. Сan you upload a photos of this Tonika? As far as I know, they never complete Ural tuners.
Yes, please send a PM and I'll send you the digpics! Dms-71 wrote: I can help you find that. What you don't understand in 'Запчасти'? I have some difficulties with the (general vieuw through-) Russian language.therefor it's almost impossible to communicate with some forum users. At the other hand I found some good replacements for Elgava tuners,unfortunatly with plastic knobs in stead of metal ones.(for pic's send me a PM please) greetings & thanks!
Re: fragile guitar tuners shlepakoff, 08:16 Re 'I have some difficulties with the (general vieuw through-) Russian language.therefor it's almost impossible to communicate with some forum users' This is exactly what the English section of this website is for: you post your SPECIFIC questions here (in English), and we'll find you the right experts and answers. Hardware id trivium keygen idm. You don't have to search through the Russian section.
Re: fragile guitar tuners lordbizarre, 09:05 Yes, here she is: a Tonika with original Ural tuners.The imprints of the tuners make me almost sure that they are original. On the body a vaguely shade indicates that Tonika was written on the pickguard, but wiped off. Re: fragile guitar tuners shlepakoff, 10:23 No, these are not available in stores. Let me know if I need to post your ad in the Wanted section on the Russian side of the site, so that if somebody has extras and is willing to ship them out-of-country, you will be able to purchase the tuners from them. Re: fragile guitar tuners dms-71, 11:55 She is beautiful!
Re: fragile guitar tuners lordbizarre, 13:51 well, here they are all four! Re: fragile guitar tuners bytecrow, 14:04. Lordbizarre Цитата. Yes, here she is: a Tonika with original Ural tuners. Oh, she's very cool! Rare color, the unusual shape of the headstock. Its color, sunburst as on early Urals, so we can assume that it was produced at about the same time with them, and therefore such tuners on it.
And then another question after: what the serial number of that Tonika? (if available neckplate with it) Re: fragile guitar tuners lordbizarre, 14:54 (from left to right ) unfortunately the red one Ural has no neckplate, but Rostov(Kavkaz, with added DéFIL pick-up) sn 11138, Ordjonikidze sn 20375 and Sverdlovsk sn 30240.any idea about manufacturing years? Original bag that came with Sverdlovsk one was made at Moskva plant Re: fragile guitar tuners Басист Кайф, 15:01 The bags werw manufactured in a lots of plants, so don`t worry. `tis a pity we haven`t the original neckplate! It could tell something interesting. Re: fragile guitar tuners bytecrow, 15:45 'Rostov sn 11138' - Hard to say, but that in the 70's for sure. ) 'Ordjonikidze sn 20375' - Very little information about guitars made in Ordzhonikidze, don't even know.
'Sverdlovsk sn 30240' - Roughly the first half of the 70's, somewhere in the 1973-74th year, I think. Re: fragile guitar tuners lordbizarre, 16:22 I was wondering: would it be possible to find a Rostov, a Ordzhonikidze and a Sverdlovsk with let's say the same sn 11138, or would it rather be Rostov sn from 0 to 19999, Ordzhonikidze sn from 20000 to 29999 and Sverdlovsk sn from 30000 to 39999 or so????just a supposition! Perhaps interresting to find out among the members/serial numbers? Re: fragile guitar tuners bytecrow, 11:50 All guitar productions in different cities had their own numbering. Therefore, theoretically it's possible, but based on the theory of probability is almost impossible.: ) Re: fragile guitar tuners Big Beat, 17:12 Yes, those Arai tuners would be a pretty good replacement, but they are as hard to find as the original Ural ones. Your red Tonika is a very late model, made right around the time the Ural factory was transitioning between the old model Tonika and the (then) brand new Ural. This was about 1976 or early 1977.
So it is possible to find guitars from that time with mixed-up parts. For example, I know you have a very early green Ural that has original Tonika pickups on it. Just like this rare Tonika with Ural tuners. If the pots on it are original, I'll bet they date right around that time.
By the way, Sverdlovsk Tonikas in colors other than black are VERY rare. Too bad the neckplate is missing on it. Re: fragile guitar tuners lordbizarre, 11:43 Yo BB!!!!greetings my friend! Well yes, those Arai tuners would be a perfect replacement if they wouldn't be so damn rare!! But I'll keep on the lookout!